Thespian Point Cards
Inductee points (10+) due April 22nd
Honors & Lettering points due April 22nd​
If you need to start a point card, there are blank blue cards in the box, and we organize by last name. The yellow cards are meant to be added on once blue cards are full.
Points are awarded for participation in theatre starting the summer before your freshman year. When in doubt, go ahead and put it on your card!
Induction and honors will occur each year at the Harvey's banquet (May 10, 2025)
Click here to view 24-25 Bonus Points Tracker
Induction: 10 points
You receive a certificate, member card, pin, admission card, access to ThesCon
Honors: 1 star for each additional 10 points
60 - Honor
120 - National Honor
180 - International Honor
Lettering: Every 50 pts
Up to quadruple lettering
First letter earns you a senior brick
Honors cords at graduation for all inductees
Kept in classroom, access anytime (within reason)
Be specific with entries
Roles onstage or backstage, festivals, shows attended as audience, etc.
Classes do not count unless it included a public performance.
If you’re not sure whether you will get points for something, go ahead and write it. No harm, no foul.
Additional pages can be attached
DO NOT TOTAL YOUR POINTS! We will do that.
Your card must be in the box by May 1st to be totaled, and new inductees, honors and lettering will be recognized at Harvey's each year in May.